The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal assists in funding the overall budget of the Archdiocese and provides services parishes cannot do themselves, helps local communities and provides services to the Universal Church.
Our parish council thanks you for considering making a donation.
According to the Archdiocese's website, "for about the cost of a plain cup of Starbucks Coffee per day, you could
contribute $500 per year or more to the Archbishop’s Appeal and support services and agencies like these:
Parish / School Ministry Support
Parish and school subsidies, religious education, Office of Worship, Youth Ministry, evangelization, Marriage and Family Life, Respect Life, family grants, teacher incentive grants, and inner-city elementary schools.
Universal Church
Holy See, California Conference of Bishops, Catholic San Francisco / El Heraldo Catolico, TV Mass, and communications
Archdiocese Direct Ministry
Ethnic ministries, restorative justice, Catholic Studies Institute, Vicar for Spanish Speaking, Vicar for Filipinos, Young Adult Ministry, ecumenical and inter-religious programs, natural family planning, and hospital chaplains
Clergy Support
Vicar for clergy, vicar for religious, vicar for priests, vocations, deacon formation, permanent deaconate, continuing education of priests, priests retirement, Council of Priests, auxiliary bishops and Serra Clergy House.